Friday, 12 November 2010

The Boy is now an MCSE!

Apologies, this is totally non-beauty related post.  But oh well, I'm afraid you will have to humour me.  I'm a very proud girlfriend and I want to share it with you. 

The Boy has been working his little techie arse off for the past 2 years to achieve his MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) qualification.and today he finished his final exam.  He has funded this qualification himself, with no assistance from his employer (that's another story!) yet they will stand to benefit greatly from his achievement.  To put this into perspective, he is now the most qualified member of the IT Services Team.  I just hope he gets the recognition he truly deserves from work. Although, that appears doubtful!! 

I just want him to know how incredibly proud I am of him and his achievement. See, all that hard work has been worth it in the end. Well done, you little IT Geek! ;o) 


  1. Yay for proud girlfriends, well done The Boy! and lets hope his company recognise his achievement.

  2. CONGRATS to the boyfriend! No wonder your proud - even just the name of the certificate is complicated enough to give me a headache :)



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